Would you like more quail on your property? Do you want to hear the calls of songbirds in your area? Are you concerned about water quality or pollinators? If so, consider joining the Grasslands for Gamebirds and Songbirds Initiative (GGS). The program provides technical and financial assistance to improve or develop grassland and pollinator-friendly habitats in selected regions in the state. Grasslands are declining across Indiana and throughout the nation. The 2015 Indiana State Wildlife Action Plan identified the percentage of grassland habitat loss as the largest habitat decline in Indiana. Many grassland bird populations are already showing significant decline. The loss of pollinating insects and the plants they depend are also a growing concern addressed by this program. Pollinators are important not only for wildlife, but for the health of human populations. Estimates suggest that one in three bites of food consumed worldwide are directly linked to pollination from floral/faunal relationships.
How GGS Works
GGS is a partnership with other conservation agencies including DNR, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Natural Resources Foundation, non-profit conservation groups, private industries and other sponsors to:
Develop and improve grasslands and pollinator habitats in targeted areas in Indiana.
Improve soil health and water quality.
Improve species diversity.
Increase hunting, birding and outdoor recreation opportunities.
Improve overall human health.
Increase funding to local economies.
Preserve cultural heritage.
Grasslands for Gamebirds & Songbirds (GGS) program biologists can visit your property and provide technical assistance about how to better manage your property for grassland and pollinator species. Whether your interest is helping pollinators, wildlife viewing, gamebird hunting, or conservation-minded land management, GGS can benefit you as a landowner. Grassland Biologists can create a customized plan to help you manage your property to maximize benefits to wildlife and the environment.